Celebrating You: Putting Ourselves Higher on our Own ‘To Do’ List

by Robert Kim Ganelo | October 31, 2022

Employee Journals

I’ve technically been working with RareJob PH for 12 years, if I were to begin with my part-time employment in the company. I started out as Part-time Network Administrator way back in 2010, then I was absorbed as full-time staff in February 2012. Currently, I am an IT Solutions Specialist, and one of my responsibilities is to maintain and manage an effective and efficient IT infrastructure.

A normal day in my team is providing support and assistance to the RJPH staff regarding their IT-related concerns, and part of this is also giving recommendations regarding the matter at hand. It’s like we need to be a jack of all trades. (hahaha.)

One of the challenges that we face is that we need to get our skills updated regularly. There are always new technologies in our field, which prompt changes, as well as generate new ideas. Our job is to identify how we can make use of these new updates for the benefit of the company. There is a world of possibilities in IT and we need to continuously upgrade our skills in order for us to be more knowledgeable and competitive in our field.


It’s not always pure business when it comes to our team; we also make time to celebrate every milestone we’ve reached. Mostly we go out for lunch, and we also have our regular team building activities. This way, we all get to know each member personally. I believe that it is important to treat your teammates as not just your co-workers, but also your friends. They are the ones you spend eight hours a day with, after all.


Any day you try and do something new is what I’d consider a successful day. Life is all about learning and gaining new experiences, as well as sharing them with the people you love. Success is best when it is shared, and it is also important to celebrate it. It’s a step in the right direction, after all, when you overcome challenging circumstances in order to achieve what you have now. Don’t be afraid if you have something in mind that you want to do; just move forward. You don’t need to see the whole staircase right away; just take that first step and you’ll see that everything will eventually fall into place.


This year, RareJob PH celebrated its 14th anniversary. It is a huge success for our company to have reached this milestone, and I am glad to be part of it. To think, when I was having my job interview with HR 12 years ago, the first thing that came into my mind was that this company will make it big someday. From starting out as a part-timer, to eventually becoming on of my team’s specialists, it has been a great ride so far. In this ride, I’ve come to understand that while work-life balance is important, so is harmony in the workplace and in my home.


When I’m energized and happy at work, when I feel that I am part of the team and adding value that makes me better at home. Likewise, if I’m happy at home, it makes me a better employee, and I become more motivated to achieve our goals. I also do a lot of recreational activities outside work. I can say that I love the outdoors: I go on adventures such as hiking and camping, and recently, I’ve started riding my motorcycle scooter. It’s a totally different experience than driving a car: on my scooter, I could see the beautiful scenery along the road much more clearly.


I also participate in charity work like outreach program, providing supplies to schools that are hard to reach. Charity, for me, is my way of sharing what I have received and giving back to the community.


Maintaining work-life balance is important to continue thriving in either aspect of your life. Professionally, there are also some things I’ve learned to do to make me more efficient at work, as well as to add more value to it. From my years working in RareJob PH, I’ve learned to value the following:

  • Time management. Manage your time wisely. Plan and organize how much time you need to spend on specific tasks or projects.
  • Communication. You need to communicate with your team, your supervisor, and other stakeholders. Communication will also set the level of expectations within you and your team.
  • Mentorship. If you’re a senior member, be a mentor to the junior or new members of your team. Share your knowledge and your expertise with them. For junior or new members of the team, don’t be afraid or be too shy to ask for a mentor, because they will support and guide you developing your career.