A Path Well-Traveled: A Specialist’s Story

by Isabelle Altavas | August 8, 2019

Behind The Scenes

Any endeavor may appear daunting at first, what with all the uncertainties that rear their ugly heads in the beginning. This applies to generally anything, but most especially to one’s career. Whether it’s a greenhorn’s first company, or a veteran’s choice to change employment, a new job can often prompt as many questions as it answers.

Let’s join Daphnee of Human Resources as we look into Mina Tacadino’s professional journey as she recollects how she joined RareJob due to favorable circumstances, but stayed for the professional and personal growth she enjoys within the company!

The Start of a Journey



Human Resources

How long have you been with RareJob Philippines, Inc.?



Audit Specialist

I joined the company May of 2015, so it’s been four years.

“I consider myself lucky to have worked with various, unique talents within the organization.



Human Resources

What made you say “Yes!” to RareJob? At that time, was it the only company you applied for?



Audit Specialist

To be honest, no. I got another job offer at an international school, and I was torn between the teaching post and a job in the online teaching industry.

I thought I was already sold on the teaching post, but the school was a three-hour commute from my house! It made all the difference; I decided to accept RareJob’s offer because of its convenient location.



Human Resources

Though it may sound similar, working for a school and working for an online English teaching company can be quite different. That said, did you have any expectations when you first entered RareJob?



Audit Specialist

This is actually not my first online English teaching company, so coming from my experiences in the field, I had very few expectations for RareJob. I used to think that this job will only enable me to finance my life plans, and I did not actually visualize myself working here for this long.

But four years, three departments, four teams, and several projects later, I am still here. I guess that says a lot about how satisfied I still am with everything RareJob offers me: perks and challenges.



Human Resources

How about the people you were set to work with? Did you have expectations towards your colleagues and your superiors?



Audit Specialist

I have a strongly independent but highly social personality, so I can pretty much work with any kind of person.

One thing I really wanted to have was a mentor. After everything, I consider myself lucky to have worked with various, unique talents within the organization. My collaborations with them did not only earn me what I wanted, but gave me a vision of potentially becoming a mentor in the future.

Years on the Same Path

“Our dream is to realize our company’s Mission of encouraging ten million Japanese to speak fluent English through a service that satisfies their learning needs.



Human Resources

You mentioned belonging to three different departments, and four different teams; currently, what position are you holding?



Audit Specialist

I am currently an Audit Specialist from the Audit Team of the Quality Control Division. Our team’s main function is to ensure that all factors affecting the company’s overall service meet the quality standards set by our division.

Our dream is to realize our company’s Mission of encouraging ten million Japanese to speak fluent English through a service that satisfies their learning needs.

Our challenge is to provide sound recommendations based on our research and analysis to enable our client to initiate improvements for the greater benefit of our organization.



Human Resources

How do your tasks and responsibilities contribute to your personal and professional growth?



Audit Specialist

I went through many transitions in the company, and the series of learning and unlearning taught me how to recognize my capabilities, contributions, preferences, and even vulnerabilities. My experience gave me maturity, both as an individual and as a professional.



Human Resources

If you can pinpoint a single most important accomplishment you’ve had as an Audit Specialist, what would it be?



Audit Specialist

Without a doubt, it is pioneering the Audit Team!

I initially had no background in auditing, but developing a scheme, and everything that went with it, was a challenge I was more than happy to accept.

Research, critical thinking, and collaborative effort bore fruit as we were finally able to make sense out of the bits and pieces we had been trying to put together. It was evident that the establishment of the Audit Team raised emphasis on the importance of keeping quality.



Human Resources

In your opinion, why do you think Audit is an invaluable part of the ESL industry?



Audit Specialist

Not just in the ESL industry, but in all industries in general, meeting the client’s satisfaction through ensuring quality is what makes a business sustainable.

The Road Yet to be Traveled

“Instead of finding greener pastures, why don’t we make the grass greener on our side of the fence?



Human Resources

You mentioned before that you have been with RareJob for four years; what keeps you in the company?



Audit Specialist

I remember one of our managers saying this in his promotion speech:

“Instead of finding greener pastures, why don’t we make the grass greener on our side of the fence?”

Four years, three departments, four teams, and several projects later, I still want to be a contributor to making RareJob the greener pasture we all hope to be in.



Human Resources

For our potential applicants, why do you think RareJob is the greener pasture that they are seeking?



Audit Specialist

Apart from everything I’ve mentioned, RareJob can definitely feel like home. It’s a company that provides a sense of security, and nurtures employees into becoming individuals of value.

We are free to be whoever we truly are; the company stands as a family that honors our emotions, acknowledges our fears, and cheers us on through the good times and the bad.

For all those who are still wondering if it really is greener on the other side:

A good employee deserves the best, and you definitely deserve RareJob.