Blooming in Your Own Garden: Self-Love’s Unique Path

by Chi Arguelles | February 26, 2024

Behind The Scenes

Among the various forms of love, sometimes the hardest one to cultivate is self-love. During the journey, there will be bumps along the road, moments of doubt, and days when self-love feels distant.

For this month’s Behind the Scenes blog, we are featuring Chi Arguelles, one of RareJob PH’s Engagement Associates, and half of this year’s pair of hosts for the Valentine’s Day event! Learn all about her perspective on self-love and her journey towards embracing her authentic self.

Growing Where You're Planted


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

When did you start working in RareJob Philippines, Inc?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

I started working at RareJob on November 8, 2021.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

What made you choose RareJob as your company?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

I have been working in the ESL industry for many years, probably starting around 2014. I started out as a tutor with a different company, and one of my old colleagues mentioned RareJob to me.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

As an Engagement Associate, how has the experience been so far?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

If I were to sum up my experience working as an Engagement Associate in just one word, it would be ENRICHING.

This experience has brought me immense fulfillment as I get to pursue my passion for writing. While it has been quite the adventure with its share of challenges, the highs have far outweighed the lows. I feel incredibly blessed to belong to a fantastic team, supported by such wonderful individuals.

A Little Bit of Sun, a Little bit of Rain


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

You were one of the hosts of the recent virtual Valentine’s Day event. How was the experience?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

It might come as a surprise, but I am actually an introverted and shy person. However, hosting the virtual Valentine’s Day event has truly helped me blossom, enabling me to overcome my fear of public speaking, and allowing me to enjoy stepping out of my comfort zone.

I am truly grateful to HR for believing in me and providing me with this chance for growth and to my co-host, for his unwavering support throughout the experience.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

As a first-time host of a company event, how were you able to prepare yourself?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

This is an interesting question. But effective time management and embracing the feedback from the HR team were the key factors that guided me through this hosting journey.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

How do you think the topic about “Self-Love” is relevant to you?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

To be honest the topic has a soft spot in my heart. I’m the kind of person who tends to put others above myself, often to the extent that I neglect my own happiness. This has been a weakness of mine and an aspect I am still working on. While I may not have fully embraced self-love just yet, I know one day I’ll get there.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

What are your creative ways to practice self-love and why do you think that it is important for your overall well-being?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

Shopping and retail therapy? Just kidding! My partner once told me, “If something doesn’t make you feel good, then do something about it.” It may sound blunt, but that’s just how life is.

Lately, I’ve been getting into cooking and trying to maintain a healthy diet. This is how I show love and care to myself. Material things are temporary, but investing in self-improvement will pay off in the long run.

Blooming in Your Own Season


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

What are your takeaways from the Valentine’s Day event?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

The event was truly fantastic and I couldn’t ask for more. My main take away is that love comes in many forms, yet in the end, as cheesy as it may sound, love remains simply… LOVE.


Human Resources

Talent Acquisition

Based on your experience, how would you encourage our readers who are on their journey towards embracing self-love?


Chi Arguelles

Engagement Associate

Embracing self-love should always be a personal journey. How you express love to yourself can always vary. Remember, you are your greatest supporter and toughest critic. Life is short, enjoy every moment of it.
