Putting Boundaries: Maintaining Mental Health Amid the Crisis
by Chad Andaya | August 3, 2021
I have been working as an onboarding coach in RareJob Philippines, Inc. for almost three years now. My job requires me to conduct coaching sessions with tutors and ensure that they are fully equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills before they conduct general and premium lessons. With the rest of my teammates in Onboarding Team 2, I also answer tutors’ queries about teaching strategies, standard procedures, among others.
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There’s No Place Like Home: Big Love, Small Moments
by Sarah Lynn Geronimo | June 28, 2021
I still remember the desperation I felt back in 2018 when I was seeking a job. I took a leap of faith and applied as an Operations Compliance Associate even if it was not really my field, since my former experience was being an HR Support.
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From Supervisor to Mother: Lessons from RareJob Mentors
by Rennie Ann Salandanan | May 27, 2021
Five years with RareJob and I’ve made my way from a rank-and-file writer to a Material Supervisor. Since then, I’ve been given bigger responsibilities from editing writers’ outputs to leading projects and being the left hand of program development leaders. But working cross-border and handling a team of five to six members didn’t quite prepare me to be a first-time mother.
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