
What makes a “rare” job: A look into an Applicant’s Perspective

by Aldrin Daniel Paraso | July 17, 2020

After recently leaving my previous company, I found myself in between jobs and looking for a better career opportunity. To my surprise, one of the companies I have been trying to apply to before had a similar opening to the position I wanted: Junior Web Developer.

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Stay-At-Home Work Dad: A First-time Father’s Tale

by Jason Roy Alejandrino | June 24, 2020

There are two things I absolutely would love to hear: my baby boy say “daddy” for the first time, and my team rejoicing as we end an appraisal period having positive results in our targets.

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At Home with the Boys: The Story of a Working Mommy

by Maria Klarizza Elizan | May 28, 2020

Being a working mom is a lot of work. I started my RareJob journey 4 years ago and I was actually pregnant with my youngest when I applied as a content developer for the company’s Material Department.

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