Employee Awards
Employee JournalsEvery year, RareJob recognizes its cream of the crop through the Employee Awards Program, which is held during the company’s year-end celebration. The Employee Awards Program celebrates the employees’ commitment to service and their dedication to excellence, advancing RareJob’s cause to give Chances for everyone, everywhere.
The Stars of the Night are awarded with Service Awards and Performance Awards, such as the Professional Development Excellence Awards, the Employee Awards, and Special Citations. The Service Awards recognize employee’s commitment, while the Performance Awards are given to top-performing full-time and part-time staff, who are ranked based on their performance in the last two terms. Among these top performers, five finalists are selected for the screening and deliberation of Assistant Managers, Managers, and Directors.

The Service Award is conferred to employees who have rendered at least five years of service to the company. It seeks to recognize employees’ exceptional loyalty and dedication to the organization.

The Professional Development Excellence Award is the highest award conferred to Supervisors ranked Grade 4 in the HR System. It is annually presented to select supervisors for their significant achievements in the advancement of the company goals, while exemplifying professional growth.

The Employee of the Year Award is the highest award conferred to rank and file employees. It consists of two main categories: 1) Full-time staff ranked Grades 1-3 and 2) Part-time staff. It is presented to employees who have exhibited commendable performance, assisting their superiors and/or peers and stimulating a positive working environment.

Special Citation on Team’s Initiative is given to every team, recognizing substantial contribution through company-wide initiatives. All teams are entitled to the conferment of a Special Citation Award. Citation is limited to one initiative per team.
The Employee Awards Program is just one of the many initiatives that fall under Employee Engagement and Recognition initiatives of the Human Resources Department.
As appreciation is one of humans’ fundamental needs, the program was created to let the staff feel that their work is being valued. In the HR Department, we believe that when employees and their work are valued, satisfaction and productivity rise, and employees are motivated to maintain their good work or even improve their performance.
However, more than the tangible rewards system, RareJob aims to keep employees engaged by entrusting them daily with some decision-making. This is also known as the permissive style of leadership, or Stewardship Delegation, as discussed in Stephen Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. By employing this type of leadership, the company acknowledge that employees – whether they hold a high position or not – are active and creative agents in the achievement of business goals.
Also, it the company believes that it shouldn’t take a year-end celebration to recognize hard work and celebrate wins. A pat on the back, a congratulatory remark on the employees’ Chatwork Group Chat, a box of pizza, a gift certificate, or a special mention during the General Assembly are just a few examples of ways to recognize employees’ small wins on an everyday basis. After all, celebrating employee wins is also celebrating company wins.
When was the last time you celebrated someone’s win in your team? Maybe it’s time to make it a daily habit.