My Own “Chances for Everyone, Everywhere” Experience
Employee JournalsLast 2018, RareJob celebrated its 10th year anniversary. This only means that RareJob has been giving “chances for everyone, everywhere” for a decade! It was a special year, but RareJob made it even more special for me by recognizing my efforts for that year through the Professional Development Award.
Having my name called for this award gave me mixed emotions, but the most prevalent are the feelings of achievement and gratefulness – achievement not only for myself but also for everyone I’ve worked with; and thankfulness not just for the award but also for all the chances RareJob has given me.

My RareJob Experience in Japan
Included in getting the Professional Excellence Award is a trip to Japan. It’s not my first time in Japan since RareJob had already given me a different opportunity months ago for a business trip. However, this trip was very special to me for a number of reasons.
Inside the office: On our first day in the RareJob headquarters, we were asked to introduce ourselves and our achievements in a general assembly. I was really nervous at first, but as soon as I stood up in front of everyone, I realized that there was nothing to worry about since I was there not to present my achievements but to talk about the collective achievements of our team, our department, and those who have helped in all our projects and initiatives. Thinking about that, I felt confident.

Outside the office: RareJob also gave us the chance to go out and see more of Japan.We went to see iconic places in Japan such as the Toyosu Market, Asakusa Temple, Akihabara, Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo Skytree, and a lot more.
During our visit, one thing I noticed was the presence of 2020 Olympics everywhere – in streamers, souvenirs, and in ads. When I first joined RareJob in 2015, I was told during my interview that the company was preparing for this big event. In a year, it’s about to come to fruition.
I am sure that Japan is very proud to be able to host this occasion because they have put a lot into the preparations. As a RareJob employee, I also feel proud knowing that together with their entire country, we in the company are preparing for this event as well.
The best thing for me during this trip? I guess it’s the Japanese peoples’ hospitality in the form of izakaya-style dinners! Each meal allowed us to bond with our Japanese counterparts outside of work.We felt so lucky and privileged to be able to sit down and eat with our CEO and one of RareJob’s founders, Gaku-san. Our Japanese counterparts also treated us to what I could only describe as one-of-a-kind experiences – from eating at a samurai-themed restaurant to fishing for our own dinner—everything was special and unique!
It is not an overstatement when I say that everyone I encountered during our trip was nice! Even strangers on the streets were very courteous and kind to us, especially when we asked for directions.
With the massive number of RareJob students, I often wonder who among those people I saw on the streets or I sat with on the train are RareJob students. To know that a country like Japan has sought the help of my countrymen makes me proud as a RareJob employee and as a Filipino.

My RareJob Learnings
The trip to Japan was just the cherry on top in what has been a great and filling dessert – my entire four-year RareJob experience.
In RareJob, I learned how to take pride in my work; I learned my strengths and how to maximize them; I also learned my weaknesses and how synergy could help me grow. And, by learning these things about myself and discovering my values, I was able to take on bigger roles.
As a supervisor, I learned how to take care of people, and also how my own growth can help fuel other people’s growth and vice versa. In RareJob, I experienced how to feel really proud to be working alongside talented people, and to feel humbled at the same time, knowing that I still have a lot of things to learn from them.
Looking back to when I was applying here four years ago, I was asked during my interview what it was that I hoped to accomplish in the company in five years. I answered, “I hope to be able to give other people the chance that was given to me (if ever I get hired).”
And with my four years in RareJob, I hope I was able to do that.
My RareJob Family
During our visit to the RareJob headquarters in Japan, we were asked what we love the most about the company. For this question, I did not have to think too hard. With no doubts, I answered: the people, both in the Philippines and in Japan.
RareJob has provided us a lot of benefits – free lunch, free shuttle service to and from work, free lodging, and a lot more. I am sure any company could provide these if the company wishes to.